
What is ToolTip:

Tooltip is a small popup box which opens when you mouse hover any element. This popup box gives some brief information about that element. Thus ToolTip improves user interface of the website.

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How to create ToolTip effect

Our themes support all four directional tooltip. By default it will popup above. Please use below sample code to create tooltip effect.

Default ToolTip

<a href="#" class="tip" title="Tooltip text">Default Tooltip</a>

Left ToolTip

<a href="#" class="tip" data-placement="left" title="some title">Tooltip Left</a>

Top ToolTip

<a href="#" class="tip" data-placement="top" title="top position">Tooltip Top</a>

Bottom ToolTip

<a href="#" class="tip" data-placement="bottom" title="bottom position">Tooltip Bottom</a>

Right ToolTip

<a href="#" class="tip" data-placement="right" title="right position">Tooltip Right</a>