How to create homepage features block

Lava theme has custom homepage. You can create 1/3 blocks on homepage. You can use these blocks to showcase your company's Features, Services, Recent Projects etc.

You can create these blocks from Drupal Block Administration.
Administration >> Structure >> Blocks


Step 1:

Navigate to: Administration >> Structure >> Blocks and click Add block

Step 2:

Create a new block with some content. You may use below sample content.

<h3>Web Design</h3>
<img src="sites/all/themes/lava/images/service1.png" />
Nullam dictum felis eu pede mollis pretium vulputate eleifend tellus ets instris vulputate velit esse molestie.
<a class="button" href="#">read more</a>

NOTE: Use Full HTML as Text format.

And set location of this block to Homepage Block One or Homepage Block Two or Homepage Block Three region and click Save blocks.
