Zoor --- no vertical scrolling?

Hi, I have installed the Zoor theme on my test site, www.tadverb.com. The homepage doesn't scroll vertically, even though there is content below the fold. It just flickers if I try to scroll. ??? and thanks, Tad


Submitted by dementad on Fri, 01/23/2015 - 19:15

Great customer service! Now, for the scrolling problem, I believe it is specific to the following code. If I only have this code (your provided sample code) in the homepage content, then the scrolling problem appears. It is ONLY a problem when the browser window is very wide (I haven't figured out the exact pixel count that forces the problem, but it is a problem ONLY on the homepage.) I have a 1920 pixel wide monitor at work (now) and the problem appears when the browser window is about 1000 pixels wide or maybe a bit more. At home, I have two 30" monitors and they both have the same problem with a wide browser window.

<div class="full">
<div class="one_half">
<h3>Beneficiaries Say</h3>
<div class="line"></div>
<ul id="testimonials">
<div class="testimonials">Donec imperdiet, magna eu bibendum rhoncus, odio mi dapibus diam, sit amet mattis orci odio sed nisl. Quisque mauris turpis, lectus vitae nulla volutpat rutrum et varius a, sagittis at magna.
<div class="name">John Migga, CEO - abc ltd.</div></div>
<div class="testimonials">Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer nec risus neque, eget sagittis est. Nulla eget libero ligula, lectus vitae nulla volutpat ac scelerisque sapien.
<div class="name">Jack Deo, CEO - xyz ltd.</div></div>
<div class="testimonials">Quisque facilisis eros eu dolor sollicitudin aliquet. Mauris faucibus lectus vitae nulla volutpat aliquet. Duis risus lorem, lectus vitae nulla volutpat luctus in, lobortis eu tellus.
<div class="name">Mary Williams, Designer - myntra ltd.</div></div>
</div> <!-- /.one_half for Testimonials -->

<div class="one_half_last">
<h3>Our Beneficiaries</h3>
<div class="line"></div>
<ul id="clients">
<li><img src="http://images.drupar.com/zoor/images/client1.png" /></li>
<li><img src="http://images.drupar.com/zoor/images/client2.png" /></li>
<li><img src="http://images.drupar.com/zoor/images/client3.png" /></li>
<li><img src="http://images.drupar.com/zoor/images/client4.png" /></li>
<li><img src="http://images.drupar.com/zoor/images/client5.png" /></li>
<li><img src="http://images.drupar.com/zoor/images/client6.png" /></li>
<li><img src="http://images.drupar.com/zoor/images/client7.png" /></li>
<li><img src="http://images.drupar.com/zoor/images/client8.png" /></li>
<li><img src="http://images.drupar.com/zoor/images/client9.png" /></li>
</div><!-- /.one_half_last for clients list -->
</div> <!-- /full -->
Submitted by admin on Sat, 01/24/2015 - 11:46

Please give me some time to check your website on a large screen and provide fix.

Submitted by admin on Tue, 01/27/2015 - 04:05

Sorry for taking longer time. I am trying to find a large screen to check the issue.

Submitted by dementad on Thu, 01/29/2015 - 00:59

No problem. It occurs, coincidentally, at exactly 980 pixels, the width of the header?

Submitted by dementad on Thu, 01/29/2015 - 15:46

I created a new website with a clean Drupal install (dementad.dementad.com) and installed the Zoor theme.

I only added the demo header content. The homepage works as it should -- all is well. Then, I started removing sections (DARK BOX, LIGHT BOX, etc.) and retesting.

The combination of DARK BOX and TESTIMONIALS together (all other demo content removed) causes the scrolling problem on all screen sizes, but only when viewing the site anonymously. If I log in as ADMIN, then there is no problem.

So something with this particular combination is causing the problem. The ADMIN "overlay" seems to fix it, but, of course, my users are not admins, nor will we have user logins. I can work around this limitation until I have a chance to dig deeper into the css (probable cause).

So, no urgency, but if you find a fix, I'm happy to use it!

Submitted by admin on Fri, 01/30/2015 - 03:04

I have got the issue. I will send you fix very soon.
