Vanipro header

I am trying to use your vanipro theme. But no matter what I put into the header regions, they do not show up on the front page. I just get your moving dots (unless I turn them off). How do I, for example, put a slick slideshow block at the to on my page?


Submitted by jarome on Fri, 06/05/2020 - 17:23

I followed using blocks to add content. I put several in the homepage region, but still, nothing shows up except for your huge tinted rectangle at the top of the page. I can put content into the Content Bottom region.
I am trying to use Drupal 9 BTW on Linux.

Submitted by jarome on Fri, 06/05/2020 - 17:31

But how do I put content into Page Header? Or how do I remove your huge block at the top of the page?

Submitted by admin on Fri, 06/05/2020 - 18:06

Hello @jarome,

Please open a support ticket with your website url:

If you do not have a live website, please share screenshots in the support ticket.
