Hertzpro Open Graph meta tags

Is there a recommended way to add Open Graph meta tags for the homepage in the Hertzpro theme? I specifically want to set the image and description for the homepage.


Submitted by admin on Sun, 03/22/2015 - 04:30

I am sorry but I am unable to get your point. Please explain in details.

Submitted by caskay27 on Mon, 04/06/2015 - 00:20

I want to add the open graph meta tags 'og:url og:title og:description og:image' for my homepage so that it creates a nice open graph object on facebook when people want to link to my site. It currently grabs a random slider image and text that are unrelated. I want to use a specific image and description for the front page.

Current tags generate a preview on facebook nicely on all pages except the homepage. Where/What codes do I need to set the meta tags for the homepage and leave the rest alone.

(I tried the Metatags module and it didn't work- unless you have advice for that). Thanks.