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Hi there
i try to put the script (the .txt file) from the demo content to create f.ex. a portfolio page or a carousell with four images but it donĀ“t work the filter is not working and also when i change anything from this script like the name or the number of images there are not in one line anymore, what can i do?
i cannot EDIT on articles too, it's like frozen
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Create a new block for homepage and check if its working for you or not.
T H A N K S, it works now.
Hi there
i try to put the script (the .txt file) from the demo content to create f.ex. a portfolio page or a carousell with four images but it donĀ“t work the filter is not working and also when i change anything from this script like the name or the number of images there are not in one line anymore, what can i do?
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