Hi, I'm in the process of setting up a website using the Hertz theme and I've run into some problems.
1) (FIXED - see edit below) The favicon.ico doesn't show up. I've tried both uploading it directly and saying "use default favicon" as well as using the options to upload one directly. You can see my favicon uploaded here: http://smutpire.com/themes/Hertz/favicon.ico but yet if you go to http://smutpire.com it only shows white. Why isn't that working?
2) If you go to any random page (example: http://smutpire.com/author/jamie-fuchs) I want to limit the view of the menu that appears just below the page title (in the example page it would be "Jamie Fuchs") to only administrators or the person who created the content. How do I do that?
Awesome theme by the way, it's pretty solid :)
EDIT: Fixed #1 by changing it to a png image instead of ico.