Change default color?

Hi, is it possible to change the default colors in LAVA?


Submitted by admin on Wed, 11/12/2014 - 17:20

Color option is not available in Lava theme. However, you can edit code to make changes.
I am working on Pro version of Lava theme which will have color options :)

Submitted by godlien on Wed, 11/12/2014 - 19:37

Now that is something I would be interested in! How long and how much?

I'm not a coder. Any chance you could give me a hint on where to look?

Submitted by admin on Wed, 11/12/2014 - 19:41

Lave pro version should be available in 15-30 days. It will be available for purchase on our website

Color styling is controlled from syle.css You can edit codes in style.css to make color changes.

Submitted by godlien on Wed, 11/12/2014 - 19:54

I will learn a little coding for the time being. I will check back in 15 days. Thanks again!! :)