Vani - Free Premium Drupal 8, 9, 10, 11 Theme

Simple, Clean, Lightweight, Modern and Free

Download Live Demo Theme Documentation Pro Demo Purchase Pro For $29 only

vani drupal theme

Compatibility: Drupal 8.x.x, 9.x.x, 10.x.x, 11.x.x

Price: Free

Category: Business, Corporate

License: GPLv2 or later

Vani is a clean, elegant, professional, multipurpose and fully responsive Drupal 8, 9, 10 and 11 Theme. Vani is built for ALL types of business, corporate, consulting agency and personal websites.

This theme is light weight, clean, modern, fully responsive (mobile first approach) and very easy to customize according to your needs. It is quick and easy to setup.


Responsive Layout

Vani theme is designed to adapt quickly on all devices and screen resolutions to provide users an optimal viewing experience.


Cross-Browser Compatibility

Vani theme is tested in all modern browsers. Its compatible across Firefox, Safari, Chrome, Microsoft Edge and Internet Explorer.


Multiple Page Layout

You can easily create no sidebar page, both sidebar page, left sidebar page, right sidebar page.

Easy to Use

Vani themes is designed to make theme easier to use without the headaches of dealing with themes that have hundreds of functions that can often be confusing and hard to learn.

FontAwesome 4

FontAwesome version 4.7 icons included. Font Awesome gives you 600+ scalable vector icons that can be easily customized — size, color. You can use these icons on your website.

Extensive Documentation

We have written detailed documentation which guides you through the process of using your new theme.

Vani VaniPro
Color Options
Add More Social Icons
Share Pages
Layered Slider
Sticky Header
Animated Sidebar
Pre Loader
Fancy Cursor
Animated Page Content
Footer Top Wave Shape
Custom Copyright
Cookie Consent message
Custom Shortcodes
Custom Pages
Price Free $29
Purchase VaniPro

Frequently Asked Questions

Can you provide demo site files and database?
Yes, We can provide all Drupal files and database of the demo site for $10 Please place your order
Can you create demo site on my server?
Yes, We can install the theme and create like demo site on your server for $25 Please place your order