Carousel not implemented?

I am trying to activate a carousel but when I take the sample code from the documentation the images are shown as standard

  • items. I guess a module is missing in Drupal 7?

    Best regards,

  • Comments

    Submitted by haertel on Tue, 07/12/2016 - 23:49

    I just found out that Drupal is deleting the id="carousel" in the UL Tag as soon as the editor is switched back from source code to WYSIWYG.... :(

    Submitted by cococom64 on Fri, 01/26/2018 - 01:32

    I am facing the same problem as Haertel described above but not noticed that the id="carousel" is deleted as soon as I switch from the code source to the WYSIWYG mode.
    So my problem is different.
    Thank you for helping me finding the solution.
    Best regards